Friday, February 14, 2020

How effective was the persecution of the Christians for the Romans Essay

How effective was the persecution of the Christians for the Romans - Essay Example Christianity was not begun within the social spheres of the more prominent people of the time period. The beliefs were spread through the impoverished, the lesser citizenry of Rome, and through connecting to the needs of those who were suffering. Therefore, those who believed became a threat to those who were satisfied with the state of society. One of the ways in which to eradicate the belief, or so thought those of prominence within the Roman Empire, was to martyr believers. The problem with creating a martyr is that a rallying point is created. Thus, the martyrdom of Christians within the Roman Empire became an act that helped to promote the beliefs, rather than a way to eradicate them. Because of the persecution of the Christians by the Romans, the religion found power within the martyrdom of its people, thus giving it needed sympathy which allowed for the beliefs to be spread further. The Christians of the first centuries were the anti-establishment group that came up against a goliath of a political system that was defined by its ties to the ritualized worship of the Roman people to the pagan gods. Christians refused to participate, putting their own beliefs above Rome, thus becoming enemies of the state. An example of the persecution of Christians can be found through the experiences of Vibia Perpetua through the firsthand account of Tertullian. Through understanding the sympathy that is created through the terrible events of the persecution, the psychology of martyrdom can help to explain part of the way in which the plight of these early Christians helped to further the expansion of the religion. Christians: The Hippies of Rome Despite the desire to eradicate the Christians, this was not an action that originated because of an objection to that belief. Nero used the Christians as a scapegoat in order to find a plausible criminal element behind the fire in Rome, although Tacitus wrote that Nero had ordered the fire (Cairnes, 1996, p. 27). Tacitus (109 A .C.E.) stated that â€Å"Therefore to stop the rumor, he falsely charged with guilt, and punished with the most fearful tortures, the persons commonly called Christians† (p, 286). Christians were used, according to the belief of Tacitus, which suggests was the common belief of the time period, as a scapegoat in order to alleviate political pressures. The first emperor of Rome to begin widespread persecution of Christians was Domitian (81AD to 95AD), the last emperor of the Flavian Dynasty. Belief was not an issue with the Romans, but the refusal to honor the emperor through sacrifice and to confer to him proclaimed divinity provided a fuel with which to separate the empire from the Christian sect and to begin retribution for this insult (Peters, 2005, p. 246). However, the close association with the Jewish community in Rome did not help the Christian cause. The Jewish community, during Domitian’s time, had refused to pay a tax that was to support the Capitolinus Jupite r. The Christians were the easier target to punish, although why it was effective as punitive to the Jewish community is unclear. One of the most potent uses of the Christian ‘plague’ in Rome was to focus on their participation in the economic difficulties of the age. One of the examples that can be appreciated is that the lucrative idol making business was harmed by the lack of

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Advantages and disadvantages of owning VS renting a home Essay

Advantages and disadvantages of owning VS renting a home - Essay Example The advantages and disadvantages discussed in this article will enable one come up with viable decision as whether to purchase a house or rent. Let us begin with the advantages of owning a home. When one owns a home, that person is building equity. One must understand that the value of a house does not increase with time. On the contrary, its value decreases with time. However, when one owns a home they can contribute to their investment portfolio. As one clear a mortgage, he, or she builds up equity while the home value remains constant (Williams, 23). Authorities that are responsible with collecting tax have established tax relief to those who have taken mortgage. The purpose of this reduction is to aid in offsetting ones loan. In addition to that as one chooses to pay fixed-mortgage, payment in interest and the initial principal remains constant as long as the loan is outstanding. Even though payment of taxes and insurance may vary with time, one may be able to use the house as an investment. Moreover, when one purchases a house and leaves it, it is not wasted since the same house can be rented to generate income. This is also one of the best alternatives one can use to repay mortgage. It is therefore advisable to choose a house that is attractable and that is rentable, that is if one might think of renting it in the near future. Another important benefit of owning a home is that it enables one settle and lives with the community. Purchasing a home is a long-term investment. Once one has a home, he or she is committed to live with the surrounding people for a long time. As a result, one gets to understand the neighbors well and may get the opportunity to be involved in communal economical activities or even become a volunteer in a program that benefit the community for instance assisting in building of a school or public latrines among others. When one owns a home, he or